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Vivero Enredado

This photo series is the result of a collaboration with artist José Montealegre. The plants featured in these photos are sculptures, made from copper and based on drawings from a 16th century manuscript. The photos were used in a 2022 calendar that was issued as an edition linked to an exhibition at Klosterruine Berlin in august-september 2021.

Vivero Enredado is a photographic project in collaboration with José Montealegre, a Honduran artist living and working in Europe. His works are an interpretation of drawings belonging to a 16th century manuscript, depicting and describing the fauna and flora of the “West Indies”. It was written by a Spanish monk, Francisco Hernandez, who has traveled for seven years through what is currently knows as Mexico on a scientific expedition. In those days manuscripts were often compiled by colonising powers, based on second or third-hand information. Therefore rather than showing an accurate description of reality they show an interpretation of it.